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i don´t know what to say, this is awesome ;D

guy looks like sonic, Great game btw

(2 edits)

Okay, so this game is too short to submit as a game on so I'll just time myself.
Feel free to reply with your time and a video submission directly to this comment and I'll try to keep it updated with who has the best time and what their time is

I will measure time for myself and for any other speedruns starting from the first frame in which the main game is visible and ending on the last. Because of the method of measurement and because of how fast this game goes, milliseconds will be included.

Current Best: @DeathByLag with 00:50.54

I'll keep myself to the same standard and share my own submission in a reply ig.

Time: 00:50.54

such a interesting concept 


(1 edit)

really fun game!!!

There is also a gd level based on this i think idk

oh really? what level, that sounds cool

(1 edit)

i think its called pseudo zone.

oh wow that's actually really cool

yes it is called pseudo zone.

It's a fun concept.

(1 edit) (+1)

the secret room is pretty cool

How do you get to the secret room?


It's somewhere in room N. Try to find it!

The secret room is what got me giggling for a while.

awesome! also the character design goes hardd

frustrating but cleverly fun! room j was hard to time! nice work.


awesome game


Hey! Not to be a nark or anything, but there's this game going around that stole Reversal Room's level design. It's called MakeNoSense (sic), and it was submitted for a game jam. Play some levels from MakeNoSense and Reversal Rooms side-to-side, and you'll see.


that is actually very funny, thank you for informing me

(1 edit) (+1)

Anyways, made a community post on the BYOG Jam page asking for it to be disqualified.

Which makes me wonder... did they rip off anyone else's games before?

EDIT: I got banned from commenting on that page.


Hey, @TaelsDafoox, I worked on the game he is talking about, We were actually inspired by your work and tried to reshape it for the game jam theme. We had no intentions to rip you off. We participated for the fun and to gain experience as a beginner in game development. I personally didn't realize it would make people furious. Hope you understand.


By "inspired", did you mean "reskin the original game"?


You literally recreated the exact same levels and mechanics in the exact same order. That's not inspiration, that's theft.


I raged so hard at the spikes part omg 5/5

This game is great! The clever names you used for the rooms, the gimmicks, they were all great! I'd like to see a sequel, but that probably won't happen. But still, great game!

reminds me of Baba Is You a bit, very fun!


great is so funn

this was REALLY fun

TBH suop fun lov the wackyness :}

Absoulutley wonderful game! Congrats again on top 20.

It was so fun mate. Great job at making it to top 20 *thumbs up sign thing*


Congrats on making top 20 in the GMTK Jam! I wanted to reach out to ask if anyone on the dev team would be interested in participating in an interview about your experience during the jam? Interviews are conducted over Discord and presented live on Twitch.

Sure! the "dev team" is most just me, but I'd be happy to do that and see if I can get the other people who contributed to the game too!

Sounds good! I typically run streams on Fridays between 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM EST, though I'll be taking a 1-week break because of the upcoming long weekend, so the next stream I am planing will be August 11th. Please let me know if you have any other questions about the interview / stream.

We can also connect on Discord, my username is;


Nice puzzle platformer deconstruction

nice game had fun playing it but imo the spike hitboxes could be a litte smaller

There's this glitch on room O where if you jump into the top right of the door, room P starts sideways
I'll try to get a video of it.

that's not a glitch, that's just because you can rotate the room during the level intro :P

But gravity is also sideways


gud gam

i rlly enjoyed tht alot :D

That was so fun!


make a extrended version


as I've said before in previous comments, I am completely out of level ideas, which is why I'm currently working on letting some kind of modding be possible 👍

:( well i hope modders will have some funny / fun ideas

great idea and even better execution!

hint for the secret room: remember how to enter the backrooms?

Pretty fun and simple game! i don't even think it took me 5 minutes, but i really wish it was longer.


I've included Reversal Rooms at 14:03 in a video covering the GMTK Game Jam.

cool, that was fun to watch! and kudos for being one of the few people who actually noticed that only one player has to get to the goal in the last levels...

Amazing. I need more.

Really good!!

This is an amazing little game!
I tried to leave the map on one level but found something else instead :)

that is the most adorable sprite in the whole jam :D amazing game! can't find the secret room sadly

is there a standalone executable build of the game?

because of how Construct 3 works, it's essentially web-only. I could upload a standalone version, but it's basically just a version of chrome that exclusively runs the game, and the file size is really big because of that. I might as well upload it, I guess.

I would appreciate that! How moddable would that version be?

not at all, though I could just release the source code or something if it's modding that you're interested in. 

I would have to license Construct 3 for that....
I'm mainly interested in developing an accurate speedrun timer for the game, and speedrunning the game. I don't want to bother you with more in case I don't end up with something of use.

oh I never actually saw this comment, oops. I could add a speedrun timer, and Construct 3 actually has a free version that would be more than enough to make mods for this game.  


god, the secret room was so hard to get to. I already knew where it was, but it took like 10+ tries to actually get to it

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