Sonic Battle 2D?

Well here it is, Sonic Advance 4 finally updated. well, less of an update and mroe of an overhaul! after playing way more sonic battle, I decided to see how a Sonic fighting game like Sonic Battle could work in 2D, so I copied the Sonic Advance 4 engine and got started.

If you play the games back to back, you'll notice that the physics are way different! I've tweaked them to function way differently than the SA4 engine, and now instead of the speed being something hard to earn and satisfying to maintain like in the sonic advance games, you now have much more control over Sonic, with increased acceleration and deceleration. of course once I added the punch and stomp as attacking moves, I needed an enemy.

I looked on the spriters resource and found some neat egg pawn sprites, and decided to use that. one of the parts of this sheet was the different parts that would scatter after the egg pawn was destroyed, so I added that to my game and man is it fun! There's also a secret area with my friend Lucas in it. and pro tip... don't hit lucas, he's quite fragile :/

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